Stroke After C-section What Is Your Experience Either C Section Or Vaginal - Did Your Doctor Deliver Your Baby? ?

What is your experience either C section or vaginal - did your doctor deliver your baby? ? - stroke after c-section

When my son was born - he had planned to Section C. To my surprise, it was not the doctor I have ever seen! Everything was great and my experience was good.

Now I will provide a second point C. My current doctor is an older man and sweet - but they clearly have a stroke or Parkinson's disease had (which is unstable). Next time, if I appoint a doctor I'll ask the staff or the nurse.

If doctors have practices and dates with patients, how he can deliver truly all their children for the patient?

I recently saw a video in sections C, I believe that my doctor can not be - but have no regular doctor or go to Section C.

Whether it vaginal or c section experience?


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